Saturday, November 13, 2010

If you're gonna breathe, breathe into this

I stumbled upon this article recently and thought I'd post about it.  The topic of training your breathing ability is not new to endurance athletes.  The biggest misconception about this topic is that it's a "magic pill" type situation where you put in very little effort.  WRONG!  Exercise physiologists have long focused on the transportation system, leaving the lungs often overlooked.  Much is talked about the blood carrying the oxygen to our muscles (sometimes in a negative light if you know what I mean, Meirhaeghe) but attention is now switching to the lungs.

Want to train your lungs?

All about the SpiroTiger...

Spiro in action...

My favorite point of the article would have to be the Yoga / Pilates section.  I think it offers the most bang for your buck and is much more social than sleeping in an alti tent!  Plus there are some great podcasts you can get for free designed specifically for us athletes.

Has this inspired you to try some of this black magic?  Check out some sweet deals on this equipment here...

1 comment:

  1. nice article , thanks for link

    not sure the powerlung is interchangable but at least they are saying there is benefit there.

    New spiro here next week likely!


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