Friday, February 26, 2010

Recovery Days, CLASSIC

Recovery days are meant for catching up on neglected To Do lists and doing everything you can to help your body recover from the work you've put it through.  Walking through a mall is not recovery, neither is playing golf.  Although, we all do those things from time to time.  Sometimes you just need to take a full out lazy day!  That was my Monday.  No bike practice, no shopping, lots of sitting and a little house cleaning.

First a cruiser ride (very slowly) to Starbucks to do some work on my own and consume some free re-fills.  Then a quick grocery stop on my way home to make an awesome Zone Lunch.  This was followed by a leisure surf of the internet to see what's new and recharge my mental batteries.  Then a good clean sesh of the house (Believe it or not, this actually makes me feel more relaxed once done).

This is followed by a solid session on the Globus to rid my muscles of any waning waste products...

Good Livin' Brah!!!!

1 comment:


    I have added link to your blog from mine



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